Using with external applications

Being able to feed new tasks into the work flow from external systems is really handy.

There is an extensive example if you are technical called 'client t'. This is a Linux Bash shell script which performs much of the web version, but at the command line.

If on the other hand you don't want to go trawling through shell script to work it out, then you can just follow this guide for the basics to either roll your own, or if you have external application automation such as the amazing Zapier or IFTTT, then these details will help get you started.

  1. The first thing you need to do is visit the Tokens page to generate an authentication token that you will pass during connection.
  2. Hold on to that long string (for these examples I will use a6dae732e9044d79ad0e2b4212bbcf0f990ff186) and poke it into the following curl request (or equiv):
    curl -H "Authorization: Token a6dae732e9044d79ad0e2b4212bbcf0f990ff186" \
    -F "title=This is a new task" \
    -F "list=my list" \
    -X POST ""
  3. Its that simple. Obviously just change the title and list fields to what you need each time. At the moment this is fairly limited of course to just putting a basic task into the system.