Mytodos Roadmap
Item | Due |
Bill Of Materials
Due to requirements of one of my other businesses, I'm considering adding product design, manufacturing and bill of material features as bolt-on to | TBA |
Makers Features
One of my other business's is the making of incense, soaps and later perfume. To help with the stock control and manufacturing process I've knocked together a set of scripts. They work really well in fact! ~Unfortunatly they do lack some features I really need. To that end, once I've put together a front end for it, I will incorporate that into this system for other makers to use. | TBA |
Being a small development project, what you get by using MyToDos is access to the developer. Me. You want something to make it more useful to you or something you dont like. Talk to me, im sure we can work something out and it's something you won't get with the big name systems! | TBA |
Adding images to tasks
Wouldn't it be great to add images to your tasks? You know, something you want to buy, go to, or need reference for while you work on the task? We think so. ~~ Well you can now! Support for adding any attachments is done and working. I've even added a basic drawing tool so you can create handy pictures quickly without having to fire up a drawing tool. Great for storyboarding which is my use case. | TBA |
Streamline for low data usage on mobile
Ensure that what goes to a mobile user is not too heavy on data use and screen display. I admit there are a few issues currently with it on mobile, and I am making that a priority to resolve. | TBA |
Make public lists more interesting
This Roadmap is published via the Public sharing feature. Would be nice to jazz it up in various ways such as allowing you to customise the header and layout... | TBA |
Marketing Automation
I run various little mailing lists and newsletters, and while in the past an innovate product called Mautic was OK for the task. Unfortunately it has never been completely reliable and in the end I just had to remove it. I need another solution. ~In comes MyToDos, I already have workflow in place and its just a matter of adding a way to add contacts and segments (perhaps via the list features) and I'm there! I'm then sure others might find it handy too. | TBA |
Centre Of Everything
Moving my todo list away from Google Tasks also begs the question about what else I can move here. What about Google Docs? I don't often use it but the odd spreadsheet or note is sometimes handy. Well, the new 'Blog Article' solves the notes, and next is spreadsheets. I have a few ideas on how this could work so stay tuned... | TBA |
Reporting Tools
Features in planning to generate various reports | TBA |
Helpful AI Assistance
We are creatures of habbit and when it comes to doing tasks, some we love and others we put off. I want to involve somekind of ML (machine learning) that will understand how tasks are being approached and dealt with or not. Then give have helpful suggestions to what tasks stand a good chance of picking off early, or highlight takes that I am activily ignoring.~ Even though the Review page will give me details of ones I have simply forgotten about, or ones I keep putting off, some of those may still be simple to do and could be connected with others that I'm currently looking at and so doing all of them together will help.~ Well, that is the plan! | TBA |
Business Focus
Central billing and enrolment of your staff. We now have invoicing done. Next up is to make use of a pooled credit balance for notification charges. | TBA |
Android App
An app for Android phones is currently in development. Other platforms will come in due course. | TBA |
Calendar Sync
The first stage of allowing import of remote calendars is fine, however there are quite a few niggles. I would love to remove my reliance on Google Calendar so I will be putting some effort in to enhance and fix the issues I need to achive this. | TBA |
Bill Of Materials
Due to requirements of one of my other businesses, I'm considering adding product design, manufacturing and bill of material features as bolt-on to | TBA |
Help Getting Things Done
I've a strong advocate to the Getting Things Done (and similar) of managing activity. Now the lists are fully loaded, tools to help remind of you long over due tasks, nagging for those tasks that keep getting pushed back, and reviewing of whole lists would be really helpful!~~Now I've added the start of common goal setting methods such as the Eisenhower Matrix and MoSCoW method, reporting and assistance options are next on the list. | TBA |
Being a small development project, what you get by using MyToDos is access to the developer. Me. You want something to make it more useful to you or something you dont like. Talk to me, im sure we can work something out and it's something you won't get with the big name systems! | TBA |
Help Getting Things Done
I've a strong advocate to the Getting Things Done (and similar) of managing activity. Now the lists are fully loaded, tools to help remind of you long over due tasks, nagging for those tasks that keep getting pushed back, and reviewing of whole lists would be really helpful!~~Now I've added the start of common goal setting methods such as the Eisenhower Matrix and MoSCoW method, reporting and assistance options are next on the list. | TBA |
Makers Features
One of my other business's is the making of incense, soaps and later perfume. To help with the stock control and manufacturing process I've knocked together a set of scripts. They work really well in fact! ~Unfortunatly they do lack some features I really need. To that end, once I've put together a front end for it, I will incorporate that into this system for other makers to use. | TBA |
Enhanced Workflows
The start of providing complex process driven workflow on top of the single tasks is currently in place. More features will be added here to fill out this important aspect of MyToDo's.~~With work flows working, new features to fully utilise them such as document management/OCR, business and personal productivity tools linking them all together - making this a one-stop-shop for your information needs | TBA |
Access Level List Sharing
Can currently share publicly or full access one-way. Would be nice if can limit the actions. | TBA |
How To Guides
More and more features are being added (e.g. drawings and attachments), and it would be good to provide a load of guides on how to use, or better use, these features. ~ There may be so many options like with tags and categories that it can be a hard to work out what is useful. Well, a guide or two on how they can be used wouldn't hurt would it? :-) | TBA |
Created: Nov. 12, 2018, 1:15 p.m. By: kgroves Last Visited: 2025-02-14 09:02 (2 h, 51 m ago) Times Visited: 5307